

不明7人、異例の捜索続く 米空母投入、中国けん制も 屋久島沖オスプレイ墜落

While recovery of the wreckage of the US Air Force transport plane CV22 Osprey crashed off the coast of Yakushima, Kagoshima Prefecture, the remains of the aircraft are being recovered, but seven crew members, excluding one who was confirmed dead, are still missing. The US military deploys the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson for rescue operations. A 24-hour search on an unprecedented scale continued for the fourth day, involving the deployment of Japan Coast Guard patrol vessels, Self-Defense Force destroyers and minesweepers, and aircraft as well.

At around 6:30 a.m. on the 4th, three vessels, including a Self-Defense Force minesweeper, were seen gathering off the coast of the island. A Coast Guard helicopter also flew in the area. Just before 9 a.m., the U.S. military also launched a rubber boat from Awa Port, near the accident site, and joined in the search.